By Super User on Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Category: News

USA - Censere celebrates the U.S. office opening with reception in Houston

Censere held a Texas-sized celebration on October 1st, celebrating the opening of Censere’s U.S. entity and the opening of its newest offices in Houston, Texas and Washington, D.C. The reception was held in Houston Galleria area at the Oceanaire Seafood Room and was attended by various business leaders in the Houston business community. Peggy Wilson, President and CEO of the Houston Metropolitan Chamber, was on hand to present Zaid Sultan, the Chamber’s Chairman and Censere Head of US Operations, and Brett Shadbolt, Censere’s Founder and CEO, with a Certificate of Membership on behalf of the Houston Metropolitan Chamber. Attendees of the event ranged from CEOs of Mid-sized Oil and Gas companies, law firm partners, Big 4 senior management, and various entrepreneurs. John Myers, Censere's Strategic Alliance Partner from Chorus Consulting was on hand as well.

The night was a culmination of a week-long set of events that Censere was a part of, as it officially launches operations in the United States. Monday, Mr. Shadbolt and Mr. Sultan were featured guests on Houston’s Small Business Today Radio Network and were able to present Censere to their audience. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Censere were supporting sponsors for the Momentum Event Group’s 3rd Oil and Gas Anti-Corruption and Compliance Exchange