Business Valuation

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Machinery & Equipment Valuation

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The partners and staff of Censere wish our clients and friends our best wishes for the holiday season. Thank you for your support during 2020.  This has been a challenging year for all and we look forward to 2021 and improved circumstances. We hope you all stay safe and hope to meet you in the new year. 
5865 Hits

Survivorship in Valuations

Written by: Brett Shadbolt, CEO Censere ​ Something I constantly struggle with as a valuer is the effect of survivorship bias and its effects on the valuation of early stage businesses. As valuers we are tasked with trying to predict what a business might sell for on a given day. In performing this task we reference comparable market transactions and draw on inputs from equity ...
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7243 Hits

Phusjon Group is now part of the initial launch of the Services Constellation Initiative by the MOST in Vietnam

Phusjon Group is now part of the initial launch of the Services Constellation Initiative by the MOST in Vietnam
Phusjon Group is pleased to announce that we are one of four companies selected to be part of the initial launch of the Services Constellation Initiative by the Ministry of Science & Technology in Vietnam.
9703 Hits

HONG KONG – Brett Shadbolt, CEO of Censere Group Visits The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

HONG KONG – Brett Shadbolt, CEO of Censere Group Visits The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Brett Shadbolt, CEO of Censere , spoke to HKUST MSc students about Valuation of Minerals on 18th September.  Brett shared insights and lessons on real life valuations in the Mineral Industry. ​
9884 Hits

Censere Opens Frankfurt Office

Censere is pleased to announce the opening of our first European office, in Frankfurt. We have seen increased cross-border investment between Europe and Asia in recent years and our new Frankfurt office is a means of both assisting European clients who are investing into Asia and assisting Asian clients in Europe. Accordingly, we have  2 directors based in Frankfurt; ...
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6415 Hits

Censere Opens Shenzhen Office

Censere is pleased to announce the opening of our third office in Mainland China, with Shenzhen joining our offices in Beijing and Shanghai. Shenzhen is an ideal location for Censere, being both a finance and technology centre in China. We have a number of clients in Guangdong Province and now better placed to service them. Philip Chui, previously in our Shanghai office, h...
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3479 Hits

NZ FMA Issues Crypto Coin Offer Guidance

The New Zealand Financial Markets Authority has issued guidance which indicates that offers of digital coins or crypto-currency is a regulated activity unless it is less than the NZ$2m threshold for crowd-funding or specific exemption is sought and granted. See the following article for more information:
4553 Hits

Congratulations to Sea Limited on their successful IPO!

Congratulations to Sea Limited on their successful IPO!
​Censere would like to congratulate Sea Limited on their successful IPO on NYSE.  Sea Limited successfully raised US$884m on NYSE and Censere is honoured to have been part of the team of professionals who assisted.
4743 Hits

HK Office relocation

HK Office relocation
​Censere's HK office has relocated to the following address: Unit 101, Shun Kwong Commercial Building, 8 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong Our phone and fax number remain the same: Tel. +852 2511 2011  Fax. +852 2511 2005
5174 Hits

Adie Gupta appointed Managing Director

Censere is pleased to announce that Adie Gupta has been appointed to the role of Managing Director, effective immediately. Adie originally joined Censere in our Sydney office as a Director and has also been overseeing our KL office for the last 2+ years. His appointment to Managing Director reflects the regional role he has been playing and his ability to oversea complex c...
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4706 Hits

Conservatism in Valuation

Conservatism in Valuation
Conservatism or prudence is a major building block in financial reporting. Earnings and asset values should not be overstated whilst liabilities and expenses should be accounted for in full. This helps guard against potential financial statement manipulation and misrepresentation. Asset valuation, on the other land, is unavoidably judgmental, and conservatism always plays a rol...
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14110 Hits

Room for Rent: A Review of Global Hotel Industry Drivers & Trends

As the middle class grows in emerging markets, with greater disposable income, travelling for leisure is becoming a natural aspiration for many. To meet this demand, expanding hotel chains in emerging markets are not only targeting western clients, but also aiming at enhanced brand awareness and loyalty among the local population who are expected to drive future growth.

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12519 Hits

The Museum of Thai Corruption – “Showcasing Thailand corruption cases”

In Thailand, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the "NACC") has funded and organized, The Museum of Thai Corruption (the "Museum"), which is a roaming museum to raise the awareness of fraud and corruption in Thailand. The Museum showcases ten major alleged cases in Thailand over the last 15 years which includes: the rice subsidy scheme (in more detail below), corruption i...
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9633 Hits

Fraud & Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry in China

Fraud & Corruption Typologies

Despite increased enforcement of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") and China's own commercial bribery laws, fraud and corruption remains rife across many industries in China, especially in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industry where the benefits of bribery still seem to outweigh the risks. The most common typologies being: 
  • Sales teams bribing doctors to purchase their products
  • Fictitious sales and fake contracts
  • Tendering fraud and bid rigging
  • Off label use of pharmaceuticals
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6111 Hits

Brett Shadbolt will be a panelist for Joint HKICPA and IFRS Conference 2015

Brett Shadbolt has been invited, and will be attending the Joint HKICPA and IFRS Conference on the 12-13 October 2015 at the JW Marriot Hotel in Hong Kong. Mr Shadbolt has been selected to be a panelist in a panel discussion session covering the topic 'IFRS Measurement and other cross-cutting issues' from the perspective of a business valuer. This session will be designed to enhance the understanding of fair value and cross-cutting IFRS measurement issues. This conference will bring together leaders in financial reporting from the private sector, analysts, regulators and representatives of the ISAB as well as the accounting profession. It is a major event with more than 200 participants expected.

3051 Hits

Censere Awarded Global Fund Awards 2015

Corporate Livewire’s Global Fund Awards is an international award set up to honour outstanding funds and service providers within the financial industry. Censere has been awarded the Best Value Consulting Group Award for the Global Fund Awards 2015. This award once again evidenced that Censere is a recognized valuation company in the financial industry.  

3052 Hits

Bioplastics set for significant growth through 2018

Bioplastics set for significant growth through 2018
Bioplastics, also called biobased plastic or biodegradable plastic, are a type of plastic manufactured from renewable biomass feedstocks such as vegetable oils, corn starch or sugar. The bioplastics industry is still a niche market and in its emerging growth stage though bioplastics have been utilized in a number of commercial markets and applications, such as packaging, textil...
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6199 Hits

Censere Awarded 2015 Intellectual Property Award

Censere Awarded 2015 Intellectual Property Award


The Acquisition International 2015 International Intellectual Property Awards recognise the top intellectual property practitioners in all areas including the well-established trademark, copyright, patent and litigation practices. Speaking about their award, Awards Coordinator Peter Rujgev commented: “The terrific response we had for the program this year is only outlining the growing importance of the Intellectual Property practice globally. It is an honour for us to acknowledge Censere for their excellence in the field and further inspire them to keep up their outstanding work for the years to come.“

Censere's CEO, Brett Shadbolt stated, “We are thrilled to be recognised as the leading IP valuation firm in Asia. We have worked hard to deliver high quality services to clients and it is a testament to our people that we have achieved this award.”

To learn more about our award winners and to gain insight into the working practices of the “best of the best”, please visit the Acquisition International supplement website. 

3130 Hits

Richard Batten Presented a Paper to the International Corruption Conference

Richard Batten, Censere’s Director for the Mekong Region based in Thailand presented a paper to the Third International Conference on Evidence-Based Anti--Corruption Policies (CEBAP 3) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 17-18 June 2015. The Thai Government has highlighted the private sector has a key role to play in reducing public sector corruption.  The presentation discussed how the private sector can play a role in reducing corruption was titled“Corruption and Fraud Prevention Strategies for Sustainable Corporate Governance”.  Richard addressed the effective risk management strategies based on prevailing standards and best practice, including the use of key prevention and detection tools such as fraud and corruption data analytics.

The Conference attracted more than 500 delegates from Thailand and 15 other countries. It was a high profile event, attended by the President of Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Prime Minister of Thailand, the Secretary-General of Transparency International- Thailand, the Country Director of the World Bank, the Chair of the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), World Bank Specialists, Members of the Thai National Legislative Assembly and National Reform Council, Secretary-General of Thailand’s Anti-Money Laundering Office, members of the Office of the Attorney-General, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Controller-General’s Department, Thailand’s Office of the Auditor-General, Indonesia’s Anti-Corruption Agency (KPK), Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bhutan’s Anti-Corruption Commission, Professors from Harvard University, New York University, Thammasat University, Chulalongkorn University, National Institute of Development Administration, Kasetsart University, MahasarakhamRajabhat University, St. Petersburg State University, Australia’s Flinders University, Germany’s Ruhr-Universitat Bochum and University for Public Administration of North Rhine-Westphalia, Radford University, Khon-Kaen University, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Assumption University. 


3028 Hits

Censere and Chorus Consulting enter into Strategic Partnership

Censere and Chorus Consulting enter into Strategic Partnership

Censere and Chorus Consulting are pleased to announce the signing of a cooperative agreement cementing a strategic partnership between the two firms. Chorus Consulting is a Houston-based consulting firm specializing in computer forensics and e-discovery for litigation and internal investigations, while Censere is a Singapore based group with 15 offices throughout Asia and the USA specialising in financial modelling, valuation, due diligence, forensic accounting and investigations, and industry research.

Chorus Consulting manages data collections, provides electronic discovery tools and expertise; and gives the technology assistance needed in various different circumstances. They have worked with multi-national companies, international law firms, and litigation support personnel consistently. John Myers, Founder and Managing Member of Chorus Consulting, said “Chorus is excited about this strategic partnership with Censere.” Also stating that “this will allow Chorus and Censere to provide our clients with unprecedented service offerings that seamlessly combines our ESI and Data Analytics Service with Censere’s strong financial consulting and investigation background, resulting in a richer level of client deliverable.”

Brett Shadbolt, CEO of Censere, stated that “in Chorus Consulting we have found a partner who has the same commitment to providing the highest standard of service possible and whose services complement Censere's perfectly. Our mutual clients stand to benefit from this partnership as jointly we offer a range of services significantly broader than was possible previously." Zaid Sultan, Director, Censere Houston, concluded by stating "We look forward to working with Chorus Consulting and are confident that our clients will be pleased with our combined service offering."

With the agreement in place, both Censere and Chorus Consulting are able to go to market together. For more information about our combined services, visit our websites Censere and Chorus Consulting or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3273 Hits