Litigation Support
Censere works with both affected parties and advocates in shareholder disputes, statutory valuation situations and breach of contract cases, through:
Central to these disputes is the value of a financial interest in a business or investment project. One of Censere’s core strengths is our financial valuation capability which enables us to determine a fair, supportable value in the most demanding of situations.
Often, disputes relate to losses sustained as a result of failure to deliver on agreed contractual parameters. Such parameters could pertain to production outputs, completion dates, operating efficiencies or other similar measurable factors. Measuring such loss in a logical, supportable manner is key to either proving or disproving fault and/or establishing the extent of liability.
Valuations are often required for tax planning, estate duty determination, local authority rating or eminent domain purposes. Censere's multi-disciplinary team ensures that we offer comprehensive services in these areas.
It goes without saying, but we will opinions need to be presented in person in an unbiased and professional manner. Censere has experts in many areas who have given expert witness testimony on numerous occasions.