Business Valuation

Business Valuation

Real Estate Valuation

Real Estate Valuation

Machinery & Equipment Valuation

Machinery & Equipment Valuation

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Censere we strive for balance in all aspects of our business.

We aim to generate profits, but not at the expense of our ethics, staff, clients, community or the wider environment.

  • We do not participate knowingly in business which is unethical, deceitful or unlawful.
  • We do not put pressure on staff to arrive at biased opinions
  • We do not agree to undertake work where our fee is dependent on a pre-determined result.

We promote lifelong learning to encourage staff to improve and develop both personally and professionally.

  • Staff benefit from annual training or educational allowances.
  • Paid and unpaid study leave is available to help with exam preparation.
  • Participation in internal discussions and development of company wide standards and procedures to ensure consistent output

We take the concept of work/life balance seriously. We try to make the workplace as pleasant as possible but recognise it is no substitute for spending time with family and friends.

  • We do not advocate working weekends, family/social time is important.
  • Similarly, while our people travel frequently, we discourage weekend travel and overnight travel.
  • Office hours are reasonable and flexible, with late-night sessions only when absolutely necessary, not the norm.

We encourage all staff to adopt a healthy and positive lifestyle.

  • This extends to promotion of sports/physical exercise, sensible diet and regular health monitoring.
  • All our offices are smoke-free, whether required by law or not.

We hire based on suitability for the position, not on age, colour, race, religion or gender.

  • The communities we live in are diverse and see our business as a microcosm of that diversity.

We encourage involvement in community projects.

  • All staff are given an additional two days paid leave a year specifically to participate in community or charity work.
  • As a group we seek to identify where we can use our resources to benefit society.

We are aware of the environment and seek ways of reducing our impact through reduction, recycling and reuse.

  • Old office equipment is donated to charities.
  • Printing of draft reports/letters is done on lightweight paper.
  • Paper is reused if only printed on one side.
  • Reports/promotional material are sent by email and recipients encouraged to only print if necessary.
  • Air conditioning is used only when necessary and temperatures set to reduce energy wastage.
  • Energy efficient appliances/equipment are used when possible.