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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The partners and staff of Censere wish our clients and friends our best wishes for the holiday season. Thank you for your support during 2020.  This has been a challenging year for all and we look forward to 2021 and improved circumstances. We hope you all stay safe and hope to meet you in the new year. 
6072 Hits

Censere Opens Frankfurt Office

Censere is pleased to announce the opening of our first European office, in Frankfurt. We have seen increased cross-border investment between Europe and Asia in recent years and our new Frankfurt office is a means of both assisting European clients who are investing into Asia and assisting Asian clients in Europe. Accordingly, we have  2 directors based in Frankfurt; ...
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6545 Hits

Censere Opens Shenzhen Office

Censere is pleased to announce the opening of our third office in Mainland China, with Shenzhen joining our offices in Beijing and Shanghai. Shenzhen is an ideal location for Censere, being both a finance and technology centre in China. We have a number of clients in Guangdong Province and now better placed to service them. Philip Chui, previously in our Shanghai office, h...
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3599 Hits

NZ FMA Issues Crypto Coin Offer Guidance

The New Zealand Financial Markets Authority has issued guidance which indicates that offers of digital coins or crypto-currency is a regulated activity unless it is less than the NZ$2m threshold for crowd-funding or specific exemption is sought and granted. See the following article for more information:
4679 Hits

Congratulations to Sea Limited on their successful IPO!

Congratulations to Sea Limited on their successful IPO!
​Censere would like to congratulate Sea Limited on their successful IPO on NYSE.  Sea Limited successfully raised US$884m on NYSE and Censere is honoured to have been part of the team of professionals who assisted.
4841 Hits

HK Office relocation

HK Office relocation
​Censere's HK office has relocated to the following address: Unit 101, Shun Kwong Commercial Building, 8 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong Our phone and fax number remain the same: Tel. +852 2511 2011  Fax. +852 2511 2005
5283 Hits

Adie Gupta appointed Managing Director

Censere is pleased to announce that Adie Gupta has been appointed to the role of Managing Director, effective immediately. Adie originally joined Censere in our Sydney office as a Director and has also been overseeing our KL office for the last 2+ years. His appointment to Managing Director reflects the regional role he has been playing and his ability to oversea complex c...
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4802 Hits

Congratulations again to CMOC!

Congratulations again to CMOC!
Following fast on the heels of CMOC's USD1.5 billion acquisition in Brazil, they have recently successfully completed the acquisition of Freeport's 56% interest in Tenke Fungurume Copper and Cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo for USD2.65 billion. We are honoured to have been part of the team of professionals who assisted CMOC in this acquis...
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5562 Hits

Congratulations to CMOC!

Congratulations to CMOC!
​Censere would like to congratulate CMOC on the successful acquisition of Anglo American's Niobium and Phosphates business in Brazil for USD1.5 billion. We are honoured to have been part of the team of professionals who assisted CMOC in this acquisition and bring it to a successful conclusion.
6558 Hits

Conservatism in Valuation

Conservatism in Valuation
Conservatism or prudence is a major building block in financial reporting. Earnings and asset values should not be overstated whilst liabilities and expenses should be accounted for in full. This helps guard against potential financial statement manipulation and misrepresentation. Asset valuation, on the other land, is unavoidably judgmental, and conservatism always plays a rol...
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14478 Hits

Stratiqa wins IP Valuation Award

Stratiqa wins IP Valuation Award
Stratiqa has won the AI Intellectual Property Award for "Best IP Consultancy Firm - Asia Pacific & Sustained Excellence in IP Valuations - Asia Pacific ​ ". This comes only months after Censere and Stratiqa merged their respective IP practices, and is a testament to the quality work and client focus that Stratiqa has become known for. "We are proud of the recognition t...
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5631 Hits

MALAYSIA - Censere participates in the MaGIC Central & ACE Open Day

MALAYSIA  -  Censere participates in the MaGIC Central & ACE Open Day


Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC) Central and ASEAN Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE), both Malaysian Government funded agencies, organised an 'Open Day' event on 29 February 2016 at CyberJaya, Malaysia for entrepreneurs and start-ups to seek help and guidance from various Government Agencies and the partners of MaGIC and ACE.  

30 Government Agencies and partners as well as 180 entrepreneurs and start-ups attended the Open Day making it a very successful event. 

Censere participated as one of partners of ACE and provided information and guidance to a number of participants on valuation matters as well as funding options available to entrepreneurs and start-ups in Malaysia as well as in the Asia Pacific region. Tan Sri Dr. Irwan, Chairman of MaGIC and Secretary General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance (MOF) thanked Censere for its participation and guidance to the participants on the day.

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6140 Hits

HONG KONG - Censere listed as a professional service provider of "One Belt, One Road" initiative by HKTDC

The "One Belt and One Road" Initiative is a significant development strategy launched by China to promote economic cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road routes in three continents. It has been structured to enhance the free-flow of economic factors and to create a regional economic co-operation framework, benefiting all participants. An infrastructure fund wa...
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6327 Hits